Food Writing — of the Speculative Fiction Variety
Food is its own form of communication and likely the oldest medium of human culture and creativity. As such, food is a key part of fictional worlds, making them feel…
Bassat’s Passion Fruit Ice Cream
Bassat’s father looks up in surprise from his chair near a hospital bed as Bassat enters the room. Bassat has a hard time naming all the emotions that cycle across…
Our Favorite Supporting Characters — Dogs
Or, Puppy People Proudly Promote Pix of their Pals If we’re being honest, this post is mostly a shameless ploy to share pictures of our own incredibly cute domesticated…
Inspiration from Uncommon Stars
Inspiration is a funny thing. We both loved writing from very early ages, and dreamed of being able to do it professionally, but by our twenties had both given up…
Being Visible – Because It’s the Only Weapon I Have
Hi, this is Lilith, and I’m going to be taking over the blog solo today for Trans Day of Visibility. It’s not often that Amy Erica and I separate our…